Poker is the most well known of card games these days. Texas hold em is the most popular variation of poker being played today. These days, poker is not only played in Casinos online and in tournaments, it can also be played at home with friends just by making a make shift poker table and buying cards and poker chips. Another venue to experience playing poker is through online multiplayer poker games. These multiplayer poker games can be found almost everywhere online. Some online poker can be played on the most popular social networking site, Facebook. Other online poker games can be found on casino online gambling websites that require you to pay and be a member before playing poker. Flash games and other game depositories also host a number of the online poker games.

Online multiplayer poker on Facebook is called Texas Hold ‘Em. This online game allows you to play with multiple players from around the world. All you have to do in let the game access your info and you’re in. You start off with a small amount of money which you are expected to increase in order to stay in the game. There are many tables available depending on how much you want to bet. For beginners, they have a 1 and 2 table, 1 being the small blink and 2 being the big blind. There are tables for advanced players they even have shootouts or tournaments where you have to enter with a specific amount and only the top 3 will win. Every day that you log in you will have a chance to win poker chips. You can also send a limited amount of poker chips to friends so you can help them out. This game also offers an option where you can buy chips with real money. If you run out of chips and you still want to continue playing, all you need to do is use your credit card to buy more chips. The game also has a chat feature where you can either trash talk with the other players or get to know them better.

Playing poker online can serve as a venue to practice, especially if you’re just beginning to understand the game. Playing with people from all over the world also makes the experience fun and different. You get to interact with people just by staying home and playing multiplayer poker.

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Playing poker has become a favorite past time of many people. People gather together in one house for poker nights or poker parties. Casinos have poker tournaments and poker tables available for anyone who wants to participate. There are also tournaments sponsored by major sports networks like ESPN that feature the best poker players from around the world. They also sponsor celebrity poker tournaments where whoever wins will donate the winning pot to their charity of choice.
There have been many debates asking one question: is poker gambling? People have been debating over this question for ages now and it has yet to receive a proper answer. Some professional poker players say that if poker is gambling then why are they able to do it professionally. They claim that playing poker is like a sport and is an actual game. Other people argue that whatever event that involves betting and wagers should and is considered gambling. Taking a risk by playing a card game is gambling. These are two polar opposites in terms of reasoning and no one has been winning this debate.
Playing poker for fun with friends is very different from playing in casinos and in tournaments. Poker with friends can be played even without serious bets involved. This is so different from playing poker in tournaments and in casinos where some monetary investment is needed. Some people prefer playing poker for fun instead of going to casinos because playing without real money is not really gambling. Poker for fun is just a nice relaxed game among friends. This is usually played over a few beers, good food and great company.

Poker tables in casinos can have bets that are as small or as big as you can imagine. Some people even lose the shirt on their backs, figuratively speaking of course. This is how high the risk is when playing in casinos. This is also the reason why casinos take good care of their poker players, especially big rollers. Do they consider what they’re doing as gambling?

So the question remains: is poker gambling? There is even a saying out there that states: I don’t gamble, I play poker. Many poker players still use this saying until today saying that poker is completely different from gambling. All we have to remember is that poker is a card games based on some skills, a bit of strategy and a lot of luck. We’ll just need to leave the question hanging and allow each one to have an opinion.

Poker is a popular card game receiving a lot of attention. Many casinos have a number of poker tournaments monthly, TV channels now cover poker tournaments like celebrity poker and other professional poker games. There are also poker games available for the computer and poker games on social networking sites. There is also so much literature about poker available in bookstores and so many sites on the World Wide Web devoted solely to poker. Some of these books and sites can teach you how to play poker, some teach you poker techniques while others provide you a step by step guide about all you need to know about the card game.

The spread of poker has even reached many homes. Poker nights are very popular where a group of friends gather at one house just to play poker. To be able to play poker only 2 to 10 people are needed. A makeshift table is used; this is usually the dining table or any table that can fit the number of player comfortably. Food and drinks for the night can be brought over or delivered. To be able to start the games you just need poker chips and poker cards.

Poker cards are probably the most important item that you will be need. Poker cards are just your normal 52 playing cards. You just have to find a preference of what type of cards you are comfortable using and the easiest to use. You have to pick out cards that do not get torn up too easily. You need cards that are easy to handle and to shuffle. Since you will be playing poker and you’ll be bending the corners of your cards, you need a set of cards that will still stay straight even after all this wear and tear.

Most poker players prefer plastic cards over paper cards. Paper cards usually end up ruined after just a few rounds. Plastic cards can hold up to the constant shuffling and folding that happens when playing poker. There are also different variations of these plastic cards. There are cards that are 100% plastic cards and there are licensed playing cards that are used during professional tournaments. Some poker players prefer to use the retired playing cards that casinos discards only after a round or two.

Choosing the right deck to play poker will always be about preference. You just have to find the cards that work for you and your friends.

Poker is a popular game all around the world. You can find a lot of people playing in the most popular casino online. You can also find group of friends and workmates playing poker during their off nights. It is easy to find poker chips in hobby shops and you can easily make your own make-shift poker table. Many of us enjoy going on game nights with our friends just to play poker. You do not need much to play poker since a deck of cards and some poker chips will do. Once you have friend who want to play poker, then you are good to go.

People who play poker for fun understand that the rules are different from playing in casinos. Poker with friends can be played even without serious bets involved. Some people prefer playing poker for fun instead of going to casinos. Poker for fun is just a nice laid back game among friends who just like getting together over a few beers and enjoying a card game that they all like. You can bet some money when your play Poker for fun, but not too much that it becomes a tournaments rather than a game.

Poker for funs is looking playing board games, except playing with cards. Schedule a regular gathering of your friends for poker night so you can play for fun. Have someone bring chips, while others bring drinks so it can be a nice group date for your friends.

Playing poker for fun bring friends who share the same interest together. A poker night can be one more excuse for you to hang out with your friends. Playing poker for fun will also help you improve your skills in playing the game.

So what are you waiting for? Learn the rules and start playing poker for fun!